Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
This media file has been requested for deletion. To discuss it, please go here.
- Do not remove this tag until the deletion request is closed.
Reason for the deletion request: Image is claiming PD based on the lifetime of an author while simultaneously indicating that the author is unknown. The image is dated 1905; the photographer could have been, say, 25-35 at the time, and could therefore have indeed lived another 33+ years (unlikely given life expectancies at the time, but still entirely possible). Without knowing the author (i.e. date of death), it seems irresponsible to claim PD when reasonable age scenarios indicate a possibility that author died after 1938 (i.e. less than 70 years ago).
If this template was added because you clicked "Nominate for deletion" in the left menu, please make sure that all necessary pages have been created. If there were problems, or if you added this template manually, you should complete these steps:
- Visit the deletion requests subpage, and place the following code:
{{subst:delete2|image=Image:William Speirs Bruce.jpg|reason=Image is claiming PD based on the lifetime of an author while simultaneously indicating that the author is unknown. The image is dated 1905; the photographer could have been, say, 25-35 at the time, and could therefore have indeed lived another 33+ years (unlikely given life expectancies at the time, but still entirely possible). Without knowing the author (i.e. date of death), it seems irresponsible to claim PD when reasonable age scenarios indicate a possibility that author died after 1938 (i.e. less than 70 years ago). --~~~~}}
- Visit the deletion requests log and place the following code at the bottom:
{{subst:delete3|pg=Image:William Speirs Bruce.jpg}}
- Notify the item's uploader or the creator of the page by placing the following code on their talk page:
{{subst:idw|Image:William Speirs Bruce.jpg}} --~~~~
- Additionally, you may want to check for Wikimedia projects that use this item and then remove or, if possible, replace with a superior item.
For mass deletions: If you want to nominate several related images, please make a mass request, by manually adding {{delete|reason|group_name}} to each image page and then follow the steps above. (Help on mass requests).
Note: This template is for requests that may require discussion in order to be deleted. For speedy deletions, you can use {{speedy|reason}}.
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Historique du fichier
Cliquer sur une date et une heure pour voir le fichier tel qu’il était à ce moment-là
| Date et heure | Dimensions | Utilisateur | Commentaire |
actuel | 29 janvier 2007 à 00:07 | 600×875 (77 Kio) | Luigi Chiesa | |
Pages contenant l’image
La page ci-dessous contient cette image :