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The Extensible Markup Language (short XML) is a computer language. It is a markup language like HTML but is extensible. It's created by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). XML defines rules for the construction of an document. XML adds context to the information in a document. It does not say how this should be displayed.
Some programs get informations out of a XML-document. To do that, they need a description of the document. To do that, you can use the DTD. It's an other language.
Contents |
[change] Languages
The following languages are based on XML.
[change] text
- DocBook
- XHTML (HTML based on XML)
- TEI (Text Encoding Initiative)
- NITF (News Industry Text Format)
[change] Images
- SVG (vector graphics)
- X3D (3D modelling language)
- Collada (Language to change informations between different 3D programs)
[change] earth
- Geography Markup Language (GML)
- GPS Exchange Format (GPX): XML for GPS informatons
- Keyhole Markup Language (KML): coordinates for Google Earth
- OpenImmo : XML for Houses with position informations
[change] multimedia
- SMIL (Informations with times from multimedia)
- MPEG-7 (for MPEG-7)
- Laszlo (LZX)
[change] safety
- SAML (describe and send informations about safety)
- XML Signature
- XML Encryption
[change] more
There are a lot more languages that use XML. A couple of them are: