Talk:Opus Dei
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[change] Bias?
I know that Opus Dei has a great influence in the world. Nevertheless there are people who see it as an almost sectarian movement. I think that criticism of the organisation is not not there too much, in other words, this article seems to have a bias towads one side.
-- Eptalon 15:38, 13 May 2006 (UTC)
[change] opus dei or pus dei? mafia conection, IRA wapons explosive forniture, Argentinian golpist support, leononin mode four use adept,ed oter
a proposito di opus dei Ho letto il libro “opus dei segreta” di Ferruccio Pinotti. E incredibile come la magistratura non interviene per fermare questo scandalo si sta assistendo ad un progressivo decadimento di valori per qui si tollera un comportamento di annullamento delle personalità con tutto ciò che ne conviene in pratica l’opus dei si comporta come certi magnacci con le proprie vittime, con la differenza che l’opus dei è molto più pigro invece di picchiarli o fargli male li convince a farsi male da se con il cilicio anche ad adepti di 16 anni.carlomarinobuttazzo wiki It.-- 12:52, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
- With regards to Opus Dei (OD): I have read the book 'secret opus dei' (book title translated) by Ferruchio Pinotti. it is incredible how the magistrates do not intervene to close down this scandal. A progressive decay of values can be observed. For this decay, behaviour is tolerated that leads to effacing of unwanted traits of the personality of the persons involved. OD behave like certain (magnacci) with their own victims. The difference is that OD are much more sordid. They even
(piccharli/pince?)hit their victims, or harm them, or they convince them to harm themselves with their cilice . This they even do to their adepts of aged 16 (sorry for my bad italian) --Eptalon 13:50, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
tancs four traslations-- 14:50, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
- Only two minor adapt., the traslation is correct. --M7 00:14, 7 March 2007 (UTC)