List of religions
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This is a list of religions.
Contents |
[change] Religions, sects and denominations in a general setting
- Note that the classification of religions hereunder is only one of several possible. Some entries are listed more than once.
[change] Abrahamic religions
- Bahá'í Faith
- Orthodox Bahai Faith
- Druzism
- Judaism
- First Century Messianic Renewed Judaism
- Pre-Rabbinic sects
- Essenes
- Hebrew religion
- Pharisaism
- Sadducees
- Rabbinic Judaism
- Conservative Judaism
- Orthodox Judaism
- Ultra-Orthodox Judaism
- Modern Orthodox Judaism
- Hasidic Judaism
- Reconstructionist Judaism
- Reform Judaism
- Falasha Judaism
- Karaite Judaism
- Mandaeanism
- Samaritanism
- 20th Century Messianic Renewed Judaism II
[change] Religions of South Asian origin
[change] Persian religions
- Manichaeism
- Zoroastrianism
- Mytraism
- Zurvanism
[change] Religions of East Asian origin
- Confucianism
- Iglesia ni Cristo
- Juche
- Mohism
- Shinto
- Oomoto
- Taoism
- Tenrikyo
- ching hung
- ting hung
[change] African-American religions
[change] Faiths of indigenous peoples
- African religions
- Akamba mythology
- Akan mythology
- Ashanti mythology
- Bushongo mythology
- Dahomey mythology
- Dinka mythology
- Efik mythology
- Egyptian mythology
- Isoko mythology
- Khoikhoi mythology
- Lotuko mythology
- Lugbara mythology
- Pygmy mythology
- Tumbuka mythology
- Voudun (Voodoo)
- Yoruba mythology
- Zulu mythology
- European religions
- Anglo-Saxon mythology
- Basque mythology
- Chukchi mythology
- Druidry
- Finnish mythology
- Greek religion
- Hellênismos
- Roman religion
- Norse mythology
- Slavic mythology
- Middle Eastern religions
- Yezidis
- Native American religions
- Abenaki mythology
- Aztec mythology
- Blackfoot mythology
- Chippewa mythology
- Creek mythology
- Crow mythology
- Guarani mythology
- Haida mythology
- Huron mythology
- Ibo mythology
- Iroquois mythology
- Kwakiutl mythology
- Lakota mythology
- Lenape mythology
- Navaho mythology
- Nootka mythology
- Pawnee mythology
- Salish mythology
- Seneca mythology
- Tsimshian mythology
- Ute mythology
- Winnebago mythology
- Zuni mythology
- Northern indigenous religions
- Aleut mythology
- Evenk mythology
- Inuit mythology
- Yukaghir mythology
- Oceanic religions
- Australian Aboriginal mythology
- Cargo cults (Jon Frum, etc.)
- Dievturiba
- Huna (traditional Hawaiian religion)
- Micronesian mythology
- Maori mythology
- Modekngei (Republic of Palau)
- Nauruan indigenous religion
- Polynesian mythology
- Tuvaluan mythology
- Hyrulean religions
- Hylian
See also: Animism, Goddess Worship, Paganism, Shamanism
[change] Religions and spiritual movements of modern origin
- ACIM (A Course In Miracles)
- Eclectic unification religions
- Cao Dai
- Arès Pilgrim Movement
- Law of One
- Matrixism: The path of the One
- Unitarian Universalism
- Universal Life Church
- THC Ministry
- Theosophy
- Falun Dafa (Falun Gong)
- Humanism
- Secular Humanism
- Spiritual Humanism
- New Humanism
- Left Hand Path religions
- Neopaganism
- Finnish neopaganism
- Neo-druidism
- Judeo-Paganism
- Wicca
- Alexandrian Wicca
- Dianic Wicca
- Gardnerian Wicca
- Seax-Wica
- Faery Wicca
- Feri Tradition
- Process Church of the Final Judgement
- Raelism
- Scientology
- Spiritualism
- Science Grounded Religion
- Dev Samaj
- Summum
[change] Nonsectarian and trans-sectarian religious movements and practices
[change] Esotericism
- Alchemy
- Freemasonry
- Gnosticism
- Kabbalah
- Occultism
- Rosicrucian
- Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
- Confraternity of the Rose Cross
[change] Mysticism
- Christian mysticism
- Hindu mysticism
- Tantra
- Tantric yoga
- Tantra
- Martinism
- Meditation
- Kabbalah
- Spirituality
- Sufism (Islamic mysticism)
- Theosophy
[change] Magic (religion)
- Astrology
- Divination
- Exorcism
- Faith healing
- Feng Shui
- Magick
- Chaos magick
- Enochian magick
- Grimoire magick
- Goetic magick
- Miracles
- Seid (shamanic magic)
- Witchcraft
[change] Ritualism
- Prayer
- Sacrifice
- Animal sacrifice
- Human sacrifice
- Worship
[change] Beliefs that are not religions
[change] Joke religions
- Bokononism
- Brianism
- Church of Beavis Christ
- Church of Dolcett
- Church of Emacs
- Church of Jesus Christ Elvis
- Church of the SubGenius (The cult of J R "Bob" Dobbs)
- Discordianism
- The Golden Molsonites
- The First Church of the Last Laugh
- The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Kibology
- Roshambo
- Shatnerology
- Tapism
- Invisible pink unicorn
[change] Fictional religions
- The religions of the Cthulhu Mythos
- Jedi (Star Wars)
- The Force (Star Wars)
- Klingon religion (Star Trek)
- Robotology (Futurama)
[change] See also
- List of organizations
- List of religious organizations
- New religious movements
- List of purported cults
- List of people by belief
- Sacred text
- Mythology